Brian, Tyler, and I traveled all the way to Sunbury, Ohio for an informal gathering for the 4p- support group. The president of the support group held a cookout at her house and their were a total of 6 families there. It was nice to finally meet some of the "friends" that we already have due to Facebook and also to catch up with some old ones. For me, there was a certain comfort found in this group that I don't always have in my day-to-day existence with others. These people understand our life and our struggles. Our conversations drifted to certain therapies that have been beneficial and comparing early intervention services by the county. The kids played and swam while the adults laughed and had a great time. I discovered a love for sangria and inadvertently caused the Lortz's to become addicted to Grippo's BBQ chips. We had a blast and can't wait to see almost everyone again in July at the national 4p- support group conference that just so happens to be held in Indianapolis this year :) To split up the trip on the way back, we stopped in Cincinatti to take Tyler to the aquarium. He loves fish tanks so the aquarium was a perfect stop. It was a long weekend but a great family trip.