Friday we went to Louisville to have our appt with Dr. M. We were hesitant and not sure what to expect and let me just say that we were pleasantly surprised. This man was wonderful! Not only was he super nice but after talking to us for a bit, he said, "I should be very familiar with Tyler's symptoms, I used to eat with Dr. Hirchhorn every Friday when I was in New York." We were amazed and KNEW we made the right decision in switching doctors. In case you were confused: Tyler's syndrome is Wolf-Hirchhorn and Dr. Kurt Hirchhorn is one of the doctors who identified the syndrome. Dr. M told us that Tyler indeed had a tethered spinal cord. He wants to do surgery but not until after Ty is a year old. He also scheduled a MRI with contrast for the cyst on his spine. This will give him some additional info about the cyst. He informed us that the tethered cord surgery is relatively easy with minimal risks and a small incision. The cyst is located further up the spine and if he decided to remove it the incision would be much larger. Also, because of the location of the cyst there are more risks involved in removing it. After the MRI, we will know if we should just watch it or if it something that needs to be removed when we do the tethered cord surgery. The dang helmet was brought up again. He strongly advised that we get the helmet. I asked if it was really that bad or if I was in denial because I am his momma. He jokingly told us we need a helmet intervention. So, off we go today to get measured for the helmet. After the appointment, Brian thanked him for being so thorough and explaining everything to us. He was so gracious and told us it was nothing. I told him that so often it seems like doctors are in and out in ten minutes and Brian and I are left going, "What the heck just happened?" He again told us it was job and since we chose that hospital and him as our doctor that-"
We were family."
Since having Tyler we have had to deal with many medical professionals. Most are good. Some-not so much. Then, there are the select few who are
AWESOME. They go the extra mile and make you feel like people and not just a number they have to plow through to make it to the end of their day. I know that God led us to to this doctor and am so thankful that doctors like this still exist.
If you wanna be reminded on how we were led to Dr. M-read this: